How do I use a mind map once it's finished?

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I saw a question in a blog comments: “How do you USE mindmaps once they are finished?”

A couple of points I’d make. Making a mind map is a process that helps me think and often pops ideas into my mind as I see connections. So sometimes that’s what it’s for: Thinking and creativity support. You’ve used it by making it. I rarely throw mind maps away, but in those cases, I could.

Often I use mind maps to plan a project, then to manage the project as it progresses. I go back to it regularly to review it in the light of progress, events and new findings. So how I “USE mindmaps” is as the focus for project controls. This type I always make with software to avoid too much re-drawing.

Other times I use mind maps as a way of organizing information while I’m looking into a subject. This has to be done with software, because I attach notes, and web links or web archive files to the mind map – it gives me a live link so as I work on the investigation, all the finding are accessible from the mind map.

Finally, I sometimes use mind maps by going back to one that I did long ago, to give me a jump start on a new project that is similar to a past one.

I could give more, but Uses of mind maps covers it better.

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