Medical mind map sources - Medic'All Maps
Medic’All Maps is a site with a small number of elegantly designed medical mind maps in French. These can be downloaded in Novamind, PDF and JPG image format.
In making use of these maps, you should evaluate the sources and decide whether you can rely on their accuracy and completeness. Be aware that WikIT does not endorse or validate the maps and our editors are not qualified to do so.
This article is one in a series relating to the main one on the topic: Medical profession’s use of mind mapping
- 1 Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD)
- 2 Cancer (Cancérologie)
- 3 Hepato-Gastroenterology (Hépato-gastro-entérologie)
- 4 Infectious diseases (Infectiologie)
- 5 General medicine (Médecine générale)
- 6 Medico-social (Médico-social)
- 7 Nutrition
- 8 Ear, Nose and Throat (Oto-rhino-laryngologie)
- 9 Pulmonology (Pneumologie)
- 10 Useful related books
Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD)[edit]
ALD Cirrhosis: List of actions and long-term ailment benefits. (ALD N° 6 Cirrhoses: liste des actes et prestations affection longue durée – Carte résumé)
ALD Cancer of the prostate: a list of instruments and long-term ailment benefits. (ALD N° 30 Cancer de la prostate: liste des actes et prestations affection longue durée – carte résumé)
Cancer (Cancérologie)[edit]
ALD Cancer of the prostate: a list of instruments and long-term ailment benefits (N° 30 Cancer de la prostate: liste des actes et prestations affection longue durée – carte résumé)
Hepato-Gastroenterology (Hépato-gastro-entérologie)[edit]
ALD Cirrhosis: List of actions and long-term ailment benefits (ALD N° 6 Cirrhoses: liste des actes et prestations affection longue durée – carte résumé)
Infectious diseases (Infectiologie)[edit]
Acute Tonsillitis (Angines aiguës – article de synthèse)
Acute Bronchitis (Bronchites aiguës – article de synthèse)
General medicine (Médecine générale)[edit]
Restless Legs Syndrome (Le Syndrome des Jambes Sans Repos – carte de synthèse)
Medico-social (Médico-social)[edit]
Disabled adult allowance (L’allocation adulte handicapé – carte de synthèse)
Incapacity in old age for medical reasons (L’inaptitude vieillesse pour raison médicale – carte de synthèse)
The food groups (Les groupes alimentaires – carte de synthèse)
Ear, Nose and Throat (Oto-rhino-laryngologie)[edit]
Acute Tonsillitis (Angines aiguës – article de synthèse)
Pulmonology (Pneumologie)[edit]
[ Acute Bronchitis (Bronchite aiguë – article de synthèse)
There are some useful books about mind mapping in
the medical profession with relevant mind maps.
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