Medical mind map sources - University of Dundee

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One of the significant sources of medical mind maps is the University of Dundee, UK. The mind maps cannot be downloaded, but a read-only viewer for the Thoughtograph software can be accessed from a link at the same site and this allows the mind maps to be explored dynamically.

In making use of these maps, you should evaluate the sources and decide whether you can rely on their accuracy and completeness. Be aware that WikIT does not endorse or validate the maps and our editors are not qualified to do so.

This article is one in a series relating to the main one on the topic: Medical profession’s use of mind mapping

Lecture maps[edit]

Lecture mind maps cover the following topics: Y1 – Cardiovascular Lectures /  Y1 – Genito Urinary Renal Lectures /  Y1 – Introduction to Systems of the Body Lectures /  Y1 – Musculoskeletal – Action Potentials – Dr NJ Part /  Y1 – Musculoskeletal Lectures /  Y1 – Respiration Lectures /  Y2 – Cardiovascular Lectures /  Y2 – Haematology Lectures /  Y2 – Respiratory Lectures /  Y3 – Ageing and Health Lectures /  Y3 – Dermatology Lectures /  Y3 – Life Cycle and Reproduction Lectures /  Y3 – Musculoskeletal Lectures /  Y3 – Ophthalmology Lectures /  Y3 – Renal and Urology Lectures /  Y3 – Dermatology – Medico-Legal Implications /  Y3 – Musculoskeletal – Concepts in Arthritis /  Y3 – Ophthalmology – The Red Eye /  Y3 – Renal and Urology – Urinary Incontinence /  Y3 – Reproduction Lectures

Clinical textbook maps[edit]

In addition, a very large number of mind maps is provided for clinical textbooks in the following areas :-

Clinical medicine[edit]

  1. Infectious, Tropical Medicine and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  2. Cell and Molecular Biology
  3. Nutrition
  4. Gastroenterology
  5. Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreatic Diseases
  6. Haematological Disease
  7. Medical Oncology
  8. Rheumatology and Bone Disease
  9. Renal Disease
  10. Water, Electrolytes and Acid-base Homeostasis
  11. Cardiovascular Disease
  12. Respiratory Disease
  13. Intensive Care Medicine
  14. Adverse Drug Reactions and Poisoning
  15. Environmental Medicine
  16. Endocrinology
  17. Diabetes Mellitus and Other Disorders of the Metabolism
  18. Neurological Disease
  19. Psychological Medicine
  20. Dermatology

Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery[edit]

The Ear[edit]

  1. Basic concepts
  2. Audiometry, vestibulometry and radiology
  3. Hearing loss – General introduction and childhood aetiology
  4. Hearing loss – Adult aetiology
  5. Aids to hearing
  6. Otalgia (earache)
  7. Otorrhoea
  8. Complications of middle ear infections
  9. Facial palsy
  10. Disorders of balance – introduction and otological causes
  11. Non-otological causes
  12. Tinnitus
  13. The auricle (pinna) and ear-wax
  14. Otological trauma and foreign bodies
  15. Aural drops

Nose and Paranasal Sinuses[edit]

  1. Anatomy and physiology
  2. Symptoms, signs and investigations
  3. Allergic and vasomotor rhinitis
  4. Nasal polyps and foreign bodies
  5. Nasal infections
  6. Nasal septal pathologies and choanal atresia
  7. Facial trauma
  8. Complications of facial trauma
  9. Facial plastic surgery
  10. Epistaxis
  11. Acute and chronic sinusitis
  12. Head and neck pain I
  13. Head and neck pain II

The Throat[edit]

  1. Anatomy and physiology
  2. Symptoms, signs and examinations
  3. Organic causes of dysphonia
  4. Non-organic causes of dysphonia
  5. Stridor
  6. Laryngotracheal injury
  7. Maintenance and protection of airway
  8. Postoperative care and complications of artificial airways
  9. Sore throats
  10. Tonsillectomy and adenoidal conditions
  11. Dysphagia
  12. Salivary glands
  13. Snoring and sleep apnoea
  14. Oral cavity
  15. Foreign bodies
  16. ENT aspects of HIV infection

Head and Neck Neoplasia[edit]

  1. Basic concepts
  2. Neck lumps – introduction
  3. Neck lumps – paediatric conditions
  4. Neck lumps – adult conditions
  5. Neck lumps – management of malignant lumps
  6. Laryngial neoplasia
  7. Laryngeal surgery and post-larengectomy rehabilitation
  8. Neoplasia of oral cavity
  9. Neoplasia of oropharynx
  10. Neoplasia of hypopharynx
  11. Neoplasia of nasopharynx
  12. Neoplasia of nose and paranasal sinus
  13. Neoplasia of salivary glands
  14. Neoplasia of the ear
  15. Terminal care

Mind Maps in Medicine[edit]


  1. Heart symptoms and signs
  2. Heart examinations
  3. Heart failure
  4. Ischaemic heart disease
  5. Myocardial disease
  6. Pericardial disease
  7. Rheumatic fever
  8. Endocarditis
  9. Left heart valves – aortic
  10. Left heart valves – mitral
  11. Right heart valves
  12. Supraventricular arrhythmias
  13. Ventricular arrhythmias
  14. Heart block
  15. Cardiovascular drugs
  16. Hypertension
  17. Acyanotic congenital heart disease I
  18. Acyanotic congenital heart disease II
  19. Cyanotic congenital heart disease
  20. Pulmonary embolism

Respiratory System[edit]

  1. Clinical_R
  2. Lower respiratory tract infections I
  3. Lower respiratory tract infections II
  4. Tuberculosis
  5. Post primary tuberculosis
  6. Bronchiectasis
  7. Chronic obstructive airway disease
  8. Respiratory failure
  9. Allergic disorders I
  10. Allergic disorders II
  11. Sarcoidosis
  12. Pulmonary fibrosis
  13. Pneumoconiosis
  14. Tumours
  15. Pleural disorders
  16. Lung cysts
  17. Mediastinal masses

Central Nervous System[edit]

  1. Cranial nerves 1 and 2
  2. Cranial nerves 3, 4 and 6A
  3. Cranial nerves 3, 4 and 6B
  4. Cranial nerves 5 and 7
  5. Cranial nerves 8-12
  6. Sensory and motor system
  7. Basal ganglia and extrapyramidal syndrome
  8. Spinal cord I
  9. Spinal cord II
  10. Headache
  11. Epilepsy
  12. Cerebrovascular disease I
  13. Cerebrovascular disease II
  14. Multiple sclerosis
  15. Intracranial tumours
  16. CNS infections
  17. Muscle disease
  18. Miscellaneous CNS

Blood Disease[edit]

  1. Clinical_B
  2. Blood constituents
  3. Iron deficiency anaemia
  4. Megaloblastic anaemia
  5. Haemolytic anaemia
  6. Miscellaneous anaemia
  7. Congenital red cell disorders
  8. Thalassaemia
  9. Sickle cell disease
  10. Myeloid diseases
  11. Miscellaneous blood disorders
  12. Leukaemia
  13. Lymphoma
  14. Myeloma
  15. Clotting disorders I
  16. Clotting disorders II


  1. Structure and function
  2. Water and electrolytes I
  3. Water and electrolytes II
  4. Acute renal failure
  5. Chronic renal failure
  6. Glomerular disease
  7. Renal disease – focal
  8. Renal disease – miscellaneous
  9. Renal disease – inherited
  10. Nutrition
  11. Nutrition I
  12. Nutrition II

Gastrointestinal Tract[edit]

  1. Symptoms and signs
  2. Oesophagus
  3. Stomach and duodenum
  4. Malabsorption
  5. Inflammatory bowel disease
  6. Large bowel tumours
  7. Large bowel – miscellaneous
  8. Infectious diseases
  9. Biliary tract
  10. Pancreatitis
  11. Pancreas tumours
  12. Liver I
  13. Liver II
  14. Viral hepatitis
  15. Liver failure
  16. Cirrhosis

Metabolic Disorders[edit]

  1. Diabetes
  2. Diabetes mellitus complications
  3. Calcium and bone I
  4. Calcium and bone II
  5. Hyperlipoproteinaemia


  1. Pituitary I
  2. Pituitary II
  3. Sex hormones
  4. Thyroid disease I
  5. Thyroid disease II
  6. Adrenal disorders I
  7. Adrenal disorders II
  8. Pluriglandural syndromes

Connective tissues and joints[edit]

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis
  2. Ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthropathy
  3. Systemic lupus erythematosus
  4. Systemic sclerosis
  5. Polymyositis (dermatomyositis)
  6. Necrotising arteritis
  7. Soft tissues
  8. Joints
  9. Secondary arthritis
  10. Deposition disorders
  11. Infective arthritis
  12. Inherited disorders

Infectious diseases[edit]

  1. Childhood viral infections
  2. Upper respiratory tract I
  3. Upper respiratory tract II
  4. Diarrhoeal disease
  5. CNS
  6. Miscellaneous I
  7. Miscellaneous II
  8. Sexually transmitted diseases I
  9. Sexually transmitted diseases II


  1. Malaria
  2. Protozoal disease
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Helminthic infections I
  5. Helminthic infections II

Systemic disease and the mouth[edit]

  1. Systemic disease and the mouth

Useful related books[edit]


There are some useful books about mind mapping in
the medical profession with relevant mind maps.

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