iThoughts and iThoughtsHD
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iThoughts is a mind mapping tool iPod Touch or iPhone and has an iPad version called iThoughtsHD.  It has import/export capabilities with Freemind and OPML file formats.

I have successfully imported large FreeMind maps to iThoughts. With such a tiny screen, a large map is hard to make use of on an iPhone, but the HD version on the iPad is often praised in social media.  Many iPhone apps have limited documentation, but iThoughts’ is exemplary.

Price: US$8; US$10


More screenshots and details for iThoughts on


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7 Responses to “iThoughts and iThoughtsHD”

  1. Richard says:

    I recently updated my iPad to ios11 but now my iThoughtsHD doesn’t work anyway. It came back with a message that the developer needs to update the software to be compatible. Is there an update? I also notice you have a new version, do you have an upgrade provision?

  2. Braimah says:

    I purchased ithoughtsHD and cannot use it on my iphone. Do I have to purchase another one before being able to use it on my iPhone or you can help me use the same sofware on my iphone?

    Please assist.


    • Roy Grubb says:

      iThoughtsHD was always stated to be for the iPad and has never run on the iPhone. The latest version of iThoughts runs on both.
      If you have more questions, perhaps you can contact the developer.

  3. Vic says:

    Terrific, thanks Andrew. I’ll be uploading new images soon.


  4. My brother has just pointed out that iThoughtsHD has released version 2.