Rationale is used to make argument maps, driven by asking, ‘Should I believe that? Why, or why not?’. You can produce reasoning maps,...
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A general diagraming and illustrating tool which has mindmaps as one of its diagram types. Has good capability to draw mind maps.
Price: US$197...
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Solina (formerly ‘Solution Language Tool’) is a mind map and activity map editor that makes organic-form maps. [Updated: January...
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Southbeach Modelle...
Southbeach Modeller is a visual analysis and diagramming tool for consultants, enterprise architects, business people, engineers and...
Southbeach MyCreat...
MyCreativity is an update to the free Southbeach Notation Modeller (see separate entry) and adds user-defined rules and phrases to make models...
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Sparx Enterprise A...
Sparx Enterprise Architect is a UML visual tool and team-based modeling environment for software design. Has a ‘mind mapping’...
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Combining elements of outliners, zooming spreadsheets, treemaps and a ToDo system, TreeSheets is an intriguing entry in the information mapping...
Treeviz provides interactive visualization of large data structures organized in a tree. It aims to allow the data structures to be visualized...
Visual Mind
Visual Mind is mind mapping software with basic, academic and business versions. Mind Technologies also publish a maps server to facilitate...
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Visual Paradigm fo...
Visual Paradigm is a UML modelling tool, which I use myself, and it supports all the usual UML diagrams for software design. But it also...
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VUE (Visual Unders...
The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a concept mapping tool that integrates digital resources into teaching and learning. It allows...
Xebece is an intriguing tool for information visualization and organization. It can be used for presentations, document management, training,...