Last weekend, I though I’d pretty well cleared the decks for a while in the search to report information mapping software. Wrong again.
Protégé-Frames – This is the main component of Stanford University’s Protégé knowledge modeller. It supports a knowledge model which is compatible with the Open Knowledge Base Connectivity protocol (OKBC). It was originally developed to model knowledge in biomedicine, but it is now used in many diverse areas such as intelligence gathering, and corporate modeling.
Protégé OWL – Protégé OWL was made as an extension of Protégé to support OWL. OWL stands for Web Ontology Language and is one of the components of the Sematic Web. Anyone who wonders why OWL is not called WOL clearly has not read Christopher Robin.
Debatemapper – Debatemapper is a free web-based tool for collaboratively modelling and evaluating debates and joins several other argument-mapping tools on
Bookvar – This is mind mapping software at the “almost-Beta” stage at present — it also requires a Beta version of MS .Net so it’s only for the brave. It’s desktop software but has a shared mode for collaboration via connected computers and supports publication on a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.