
Now listen up, this one is really interesting if you value visualization and thinking tools.  And I doubt if you’d be at mind-mapping.org if you didn’t.

A new web-based tool for thinking, Exploratree, went up at the end of last year.  It’s aimed at students, but I’m sure that those of more mature years could sometimes make good use of the many visual thinking guides on this site.  It has something of the feel of de Bono’s CoRT about it, but is visual rather than acronym/text-based.

There are 23 read-made thinking guides like these:


and you can make your own thinking guides as well.  But not a mind map or concept map in sight.  You work with these in Exploratree’s free, on line tool, and after you’ve registered, you can save them.


PS     Wish I could think of names like that.  Hints of “exploratory”, “exploring laboratory”, a “tree for exploring”  ….


Ajaxsketch, Basket and Ideatree

Three new items this week: An on-line diagrammer that can be used for mind and concept maps, and information manager that gives flexibility in how things are organised, and what may be the earliest on-line concept mapper going back to 2002 but which seems to have had little attention.


This is part of the Ajax13 suite of browser-based applications that, at the time of writing, needs Firefox.


Basket is for Linux – KDE – an outliner-type approach to organising information.


Surprisingly, this free, web-based, collaborative concept mapper goes back to 2002. I’ve been saying that Mayomi (now defunct) was the first on-line information mapper, but now I’m not so sure.

