There are four additions to the mind-mapping software database at this week: An on-line diagram drawing service, a text analyzer that produces visualizations of the relationships of terms in a document, a software modelling tool that now has a mind-mapping capability, and an educational graphic organizers site.
A free on-line diagramming application.
A tool for analyzing text and presenting its content in visual form based on word usage.
Visual Paradigm
A UML modelling tool for software analysis and design, which had a mind-mapping function added at the beginning of 2008.
LexIcon Graphic Organizers
This site houses a large variety of graphic organizers that can be used on-line by schools and students to practise thinking skills, and can be shared with others.
If you know of any graphically-based tools for organizing information that don’t yet appear in do leave a comment here, or email me. My email is vic at this domain.
Hi Vic,
You may want to recheck out Imindi which you profiled when we were in our prototype phase last year. We are currently in private Beta. Take a look at our Blog
Our approach at Imindi (An application built by a team of Phd computer and neuro scientists) is to take a “mind” approach to helping people to construct their own “mind maps” of connected thoughts and information on any subject. These Mind Maps are little semantic webs that work “As we think” and the “Thought Engine” (Semantic Graph) at the core of Imindi enable Like Minded people (Social Graph) to connect and combine the Thoughts, Information and even Create Knowledge. At the core, all the semantic linkages from every body`s public mind maps collape on themselves to form essentially one global mind map.
However, the closest vision to what we have built was not that of the Semantic Web, but that of the Memex by Vanevver Bush – but as we build a layer of thought and meaning over the information on the web…I would suggest that we are also very much a Semantic App worth watching.