Eric Blue’s collection

I recently dipped a small toe in the Twitter water (@vicgee) and am starting to find some interesting sources.  It’s a stream of very mixed information – some twitterers telling us they’ve just got up (oh, really? . . . yawn), some quoting aphorisms or saying what their own thinking is just then, others pointing to interesting finds on the web, and some making their own articles known to a larger audience.

“Just got up”  No comment. 

Aphorisms and thoughts  The second can often be variously stimulating, amusing, provocative, challenging and mind-opening.  Some twitterers reveal deep thoughts.

Pointer to interesting finds  The third help me find things I might never have seen.

Announcement of articles  And an example of the fourth type is one I want to let you know about: Eric Blue’s recommendations from his analysis of 15 tools for visual knowledge management.

Well worth a look.

Vic Gee
The master list of mind mapping &
information management software
