MyThoughts, Pathway, Thinking Space, ThoughtMuse, ThinkingMap

Here’s the latest on updates:

A Mac mind mapper with an elegant and flexible organic appearance.


Makes a graphical “network” representation of your visited article pages on Wikipedia. A node represents an article, a connection between two nodes shows your ‘pathway’ from one to the other. You can save these networks.


Not to be confused with Wikimindmap which produces a mind map from a specified Wikipedia page.

Thinking Space
Android mind mapping app.  Minimal information, no screenshots. 

Another left-to-right mapper, like Co-mapping and Meadmap.  As with those, I see this as more a graphical outliner than a mind mapper.


FreeMind-compatible iPhone mind mapping application.


Here’s another of those ‘not to be confused with’ iems: ThinkingMap is not connected to ‘Thinking Maps‘, a high-end educational tool.

Grab the RSS feed (hope that works – pls tell me if it doesn’t).

Vic Gee
The master list of mind mapping &
information management software


Google Wonder wheel, iFreeMind, Mind Map Memo, MindMap Navigator

New at this week:

Google Wonder wheel
Shows search-result topics as a simple information map, with the usual detailed search results alongside.  To use it, search on your chosen term. Just above the results (and probably ads), you’ll see a link + Show options…  Click on that and select Wonder wheel from the list on the left hand side.  Click on the text on the wheel’s spokes to expand the visual presentation in that direction.


Neat iPhone software for working with FreeMind files. Can create them too.  Serious challenger to other iPhone mind mappers.  Already blogged about this so I won’t repeat the picture, but it only just found its way into the Master List.  Disappointingly, this app has not been updated for nearly six months.

Mind Map Memo   
A mind map editor for the Android phone.


MindMap Navigator
Not stand-alone mind mapping software, but an add-on for Mindjet’s MindManager, aimed at simplifying visibility and navigation when working with big maps.



Finally, in other news, I just noticed that Mapul has changed its name.  Now it’s called MAPMyself.  Can’t think why, but at least they kept the domain.

I’ve been catching up with my to do list, and hope to post a few more entries soon.  Watch this space.  Or grab the RSS feed (hope that works – pls tell me if it doesn’t).

Vic Gee
The master list of mind mapping &
information management software
