Here’s the latest on updates:
A Mac mind mapper with an elegant and flexible organic appearance.
Makes a graphical “network” representation of your visited article pages on Wikipedia. A node represents an article, a connection between two nodes shows your ‘pathway’ from one to the other. You can save these networks.
Not to be confused with Wikimindmap which produces a mind map from a specified Wikipedia page.
Thinking Space
Android mind mapping app. Minimal information, no screenshots.
Another left-to-right mapper, like Co-mapping and Meadmap. As with those, I see this as more a graphical outliner than a mind mapper.
FreeMind-compatible iPhone mind mapping application.
Here’s another of those ‘not to be confused with’ iems: ThinkingMap is not connected to ‘Thinking Maps‘, a high-end educational tool.
Grab the RSS feed (hope that works – pls tell me if it doesn’t).
Vic Gee
The master list of mind mapping &
information management software