Mind-mapping.org ‘OS’ category tidying

I recently noticed that the categories for browser based applications were inconsistent in Mind-Mapping.Org – sometimes I’d used “browser based” and sometimes “web based”.

I’ve just tidied that up.  Most are now changed to “browser based”.

A few, like MindManager, Cmap and Xmind now include “network enabled” as one of their categories.  These do not run in a browser.  They are desktop applications (you download and install them on your PC), but they include the capability of hooking up with a server on the Internet for sharing maps.

If I’ve got any of these entries wrong, let me know, please.  (See ‘Send us an email’ in the right-hand column.)

The “browser based” or “network enabled” categories appear under “OS” (Operating System).  A bit loose, but it works best that way, I think.


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Middlespot – a central point for daily browsing

I’ve just added Middlespot to Mind-Mapping.Org.   Although it’s not exactly a mapping application, it is highly visual and supports organising information, provided it’s on the web, by clustering.


This browser-based application lets you mash together web pages you visit regularly into one big sheet and you can have many such sheets.  Each web page can be shown in thumbnail or larger sizes, moved around and arranged in clusters that are just right for you.  And you can get at and use your collection of ‘mashtabs’ wherever you have an Internet connection.

The free version already provides a useful application, but for a very reasonable $5/year, you can have as many mashups as you want, 200MB of storage and file sizes of up to 10MB.


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LucidCharts for networks, flowcharts and organisation charts

Joining Mind-Mapping.Org is an on-line diagrammer that has been around for a while:


Lucidchart is a collaborative diagram-drawing application.  You run it from your browser and build diagrams with pre-loaded shapes and images, or with your own images that you can upload.  You can share these with others and track who made which changes.

It has several pricing options: Limited free access; $5/month for an individual; or $50/month for groups or businesses (providing 25 accounts).

The $50/month account provides for secure (SSL) connections and sharing images and templates across a team.


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Gephi: eye-popping, free graph analysis

The latest addition to Mind-Mapping.Org is a mapping application with a formidable collection of exciting and engaging ways of presenting and visually analysing networks – or as maths buffs call them, graphs.


Gephi is an interactive tool for visualizing and exploring networks and complex graphs.  “This is a software for Exploratory Data Analysis, a paradigm that appeared in the Visual Analytics field of research”, they say.  It is free open source software.

Its purpose is to help data analysts to uncover patterns and anomalies, or faults during data sourcing. Its use complements statistical analysis, as visual thinking with interactive interfaces is now recognized to facilitate reasoning.

It is used for exploratory data analysis; link analysis; social network analysis; and biological network analysis.

It employs metrics to analyse connectedness of nodes (degree – power-law, betweenness, closeness), density, path length, diameter, HITS, modularity, clustering coefficient.


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Mapping Tweets with … jsPlumb

One of today’s additions to Mind-Mapping.Org is a web site, the other a tool for web builders.  And the first is built with the second.


Key a search term into TweetPlumb and it will pull out recent tweets that match the term, analyse them, and show you how they are connected with extracted terms and Tweeple.

See it on line here and try it with your own search terms.


jsPlumb is a development component that allows the construction of visual networks from dynamic, on-line information, in a browser window.  In other words, it is for web developers, not a stand alone program.

You’ve seen it in action in a real application already above.  There is a demo you can try, showing several different uses and one you can change on line yourself.

This is for web developers, it is not a stand alone program. TwitterPlumb is available for you to explore now though.


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Think and GraphMind


Think is a Free Web App created using HTML5, Django, Google App Engine, and jQuery.  In Think you can create and view mind maps that are called thoughts.

Touted as a mind mapping application, as can be seen from the screenshot, this supports concept mapping structures that depart from mind mapping’s hierarchical form.


GraphMind is a Drupal module (Drupal is a Content Management System).  Notable is the fact that it can import and export FreeMind maps.

I have only found one screenshot, but if this can be taken as a good example, it appears that this is a left-to-right mapper that is closer to being a graphical outliner


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DIY Chart and TreeGX

I have just added an online chart maker and a mind map building component for developers to mind-mapping.org.

DIY Chart

DIY (Do it yourself) Chart is a web-based tool that lets users make charts from static or dynamic data.  It operates on-line and responds dynamically to changes in the data, without a need to reload the web page.  These are just a few of the chart-styles available:

The charts/graphs can be generated using any scripting language.   And you can embed charts in web pages much as you do with YouTube videos  – by just pasting in HTML code.


TreeGX is a WinForms component for VS.NET developers to embed in their products, when they want to represent tree or outline-format phrases in a mind map or bubble diagram format.  It is not a stand-alone product.

The web site says “Visualize decision trees, create mind maps and more”.


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WebSequenceDiagrams and Scribblar

These are two new web-based applications I’ve found recently and just added to mind-mapping.org.

Web Sequence Diagrams

If you use UML Sequence Diagrams, this very easy to use browser-based application makes it really easy to make a diagram from plain text.  You can download the diagram, or share a link to it, and even share a link to the page from which the diagram was made.  There, others can modify your text to amend the diagram, so it supports collaborative development of sequence diagrams, though access would have to be sequential, not simultaneous.

So, I made an example:

Here’s the text that made that:

note right of OrderTakingOnline: adds prices, calculates invoice amount
note right of SalesDept: verifies stock, Customer status
note right of SalesDept:Sends to Accounts
note right of FulfilmentDept:Requisitions Goods
note left of Stores:Issue Goods
note left of Billing: Raise Invoice/Packing List
Billing-->FulfilmentDept:Invoice/Packing List
FulfilmentDept->Customer:Goods/Invoice/Packing List
note left of FulfilmentDept:Dispatch Shipment
note right of Customer:(continues with payment, etc.)

Here’s the page for that and here’s the link to the image above at the site.

You could even use it for a rather limited form of swim-lane diagram


This collaborative whiteboard application supports real-time, multi-user access not only allowing sharing and development of diagrams together, but also image up- and download, text chat and live audio.

Scribblar is free unless you want to have it on your own web site.


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