I just had an invitation from Mindjet to be badged as one of 14 blogs they consider to be “Trusted Voices”.
I’d like to have the advanced information offered, and access to the Mindjet blog. It can only improve my information source and ability to spread the pro-mapping word.
But I like to think that Mind-Mapping.Org is already everyone’s trusted voice. Surely association with Mindjet puts a doubt in the mind of anyone using Mind-Mapping.Org or reading my blog posts and tweets?
I like MindManager and use it a lot, but when I say that now, it carries more weight than if I had a Mindjet T.V. badge on my site. And I like plenty of other mapping software as well and feel free to say that.
There’s nothing wrong with sites that on-sell MindManager doing this, and most of the others who may accept it (I don’t know who yet) are probably blogging about mind mapping itself more than the software. No “holier-than-thou” feelings here!
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Hi Vic
Read it as Mindjet trust you regardless of what application or process you are talking about. They respect your opinion even if they do not implement in their software.
Best thoughts, Andrew Wilcox
Observations about myself:
I get a more positive response from a presentation audience when I talk about mind mapping rather than MindManager. But I do not think of myself as a mind mapping expert. I use a Tablet PC 99.9% of the time and paper 0.1%.
I can talk very positively about MindMeister and iMindMap. I publicise MindManager’s weaknesses frequently. I use MindManager 99% of the time 🙂 They gave me a Trusted Voice logo. It sits easier with me.
We should meet face to face one day soon.
Hi Vic and Andrew
Thank you both for your thoughtful posts. I have accepted the Trusted Voice invitation without reservation.
I can really only endorse Andrew’s comments and record that my personal experience is very similar. I use mind mapping and MindManager as personal tools for business. I have introduced people to the technique of mind mapping – usually using A3 paper, flipcharts or whiteboards. Some get it straight away and some hate it – it just depends on how their mind works, as we know.
If you analyse the postings on my blog you will see that amongst the general coverage of effective meetings and facilitation I also cover mind mapping topics. Many of these are specific examples and tips on using MindManger – tips on usage that I have acquired through experience or from others and tips that I am happy to share with other MindManager users.
I have also posted on some of the shortcomings and frustrations with MindManager – see http://vismap.blogspot.com/2007/11/exporting-to-word-from-mindmanager.html
I fully understand why those who report and catalogue all mind mapping tools hesitate to accept the Trusted Voice programme – they are, I hope, trying to be as neutral and objective in their reporting as possible. Good stuff!
Liam Hughes of Biggerplate Consulting is one of the 14 bloggers chosen by Mindjet and has some thoughts on this here: http://biggerplateblog.blogspot.com/2010/07/yours-sincerely-trusted-voice.html