Edistorm for brainstorming

Edistorm is a browser-based collaborative application for brainstorming and it’s now on Mind-mapping.org today.

It work likes a form of clustering – Post-Its™ on a wall – but being web based, it allows idea collection and exchange between people in different locations and even across timezones. It supports voting on proposals, and can generate suggestions to provoke new ideas.

A strong point is that, unlike many browser based mapping applications, if you have a large screen, and you make the browser window full screen it uses it well.  And collaboration is simultaneous, in real time.

It is subscription based, but has a free account that is limited to two walls.


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The Master List follows Vic’s Picks

The launch of Vic’s Picks was received with enthusiasm – my warm thanks to all the bloggers and tweeters who gave it an airing – so I decided to carry aspects of its style over into The Master List.  Just finished that.

I suppose this blog should be next . . . hmmm.


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