iThoughtsHD update

Thanks to Andrew Wilcox for pointing out to Vick’s Picks that iThoughtsHD, arguably the most significant iPad mind mapper**, has just undergone a significant upgrade.  It now allows images, better formatting and hyperlinking nodes, an improved note view, better performance and other enhancements.

iThoughtsHD still costs less than $10 and a matching update for iThoughts for the iPhone is due out soon.

** I wrote “arguably the most significant iPad mind mapper” because though there are others, many of them very good, iThoughtsHD is the one I see praised most.  iMindMap’s version is also significant, but so is the price differential. MindNode is popular, MindMeister, Mindo and InstaViz all have their place and uses.


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Win a copy of iMindMap 5 Ultimate [closed]

Update: Competition now closed. Vic is analyzing the excellent suggestions, deciding
what is most practical and preparing a post with the results and winners.

Add a comment here answering the following two questions about and you might win one of the five licences for iMindMap 5 Ultimate that I have to give away:

  1. Which is the most useful part of to you at present?
  2. How could I improve  Focus on which improvement you would most like to see, but feel free to make general suggestions as well.

The five most useful replies, in my judgement, will win a full license for ThinkBuzan’s iMindMap 5 Ultimate.  That is the new, much-enhanced version released earlier this month.  The winner can claim it for themselves, or, if they already have the software, nominate someone else to receive a license. is a personal interest, developing it has been fitted into my spare time since 2006, so suggestions should take that into account.  For example, a proposal that I should post a detailed review of every piece of software here would not be a winner, because it would represent close to a year’s full time work.

In case you don’t know the full extent of, here’s a map – take a look round (click map for larger version):

You can find plenty of links to explore from the front page.

The deadline for submissions will be May 5th 2011 and winners will be announced on May 6th, the one-month anniversary of iMindMap 5’s release.


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Cayra – anyone got the source code?

Cayra is an imaginative, attractive mind/concept mapper that I’ve praised before.  It is no longer supported but copies of the installer are still available. 

Today, @Kevin added a comment to the Cayra article in Vic’s Picks where he volunteers to pick it up and develop it further, if he can get the source code.

I’ve done some searching and found that the source code was released once under the GPL, but I can’t find a copy of it now. (If that link doesn’t mention it, check out this Freezepage of it.)

Do you know where we may find a copy for Kevin, to the benefit of the mind mapping community?  It’s a dotNET application and as Kevin is a “DotNet programmer with a couple of decades of experience”, he may be able to enhance it in important ways, and speed up its performance with larger maps.

I will see if I can get any response through the contact details I have for its original developer, but if someone has a copy of the source code that they grabbed ‘just in case’ at one time, please let us know.


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