Hello … Vic here … and probably for the last time!
I started gathering information about mind mapping and information-organising software in 2000, at first to try to decide which is best, but then it became an obsession. By 2006, I had a database of nearly two hundred items of current software, and software that was as dead as a parrot. I kept the defunct ones as a historical record. Putting it all on line seemed a good idea so I started Mind-Mapping.Org and I know from the emails and tweets of appreciation that the site is useful to many, as well as being unique on the Web.
Now, the database — and the site — have over 400 entries, but if you look at the blog, you’ll see big gaps in recent posts. There’s a post from August the 1st, but then a huge gap, back to more than a year ago, 28th July 2012. This can’t go on.
So when I received “an offer I couldn’t refuse” from Roy Grubb of Wikit fame, the time seemed right to pass the baton. The site will continue in capable hands and is sure to become much more active again – Roy tells me he has many new products to add, and I’ve passed my ‘to do’ list to him as well.
The handover has started, but the admin will probably take a few more days.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
Subscribe to the RSS feed for news of regular posts.
I shall still be on Twitter but Roy is much more active there
Hi Vic,
thank you for create this great site, it helps a lot to know diverse products and perspectives about visual thinking/working.
Good luck!
Thanks so much for all of your effort! It was much appreciated!
Thanks for many hours of perusal, both useful and interesting; you have always been spot on with your reviews. I even got two of my kids hooked on your site!
Before you go, did you ever find out anything about how it’s going with the person who was working at getting Cayra off the ground again?
Thanks for your support.
It looks as if Cayra will not move beyond its present status – i.e. very usable and fun but not developing further. The person trying to get the source code even had a Russian speaker contact the original developer, but they were unable to find anyone to help.
Sincere thanks for all your hard work over the years. You were one of the first expert sources we called upon when we launched the Biggerplate mind map library back in 2008, and your input into the mind mapping arena over the years has been invaluable both to our organisation, and also to many others also.
Have a well earned break, and feel free to get in touch with us at Biggerplate if you ever feel inclined to dip your toe back in the water – we may have some things that would interest you!
Best wishes
Liam Hughes
A belated thank you, Vic, for a wonderful resource that I’ve used many times over the years. And thanks to Roy Grubb for taking it on.