Xmind 2013: After the beta, the live release

Xmind have just announced the release of Xmind 2013.



  • Sharing maps on a local network, Flow
  • Flowcharts,
  • Vector graphics for perfect image scaling,
  • Greater cross-platform consistency.

For all the new stuff in detail, see below.  I hope to post a review of the new features soon.

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New Features

  1. Local Networking Sharing
  2. Export to MS Word/PPT/Excel across Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
  3. Export to MS Excel/CSV
  4. Export to SVG (vector graphics)
  5. Import from MS Word
  6. Merge XMind workbooks
  7. Edit styles
  8. New marker design and more markers
  9. Print whole workbook
  10. Reduced file size
  11. More templates (six thinking hats, flow-chart, personal management, etc.)


  1. Improved Export to Word/PPT/PDF/HTML
  2. Export to PDF(Map) in vector graphics
  3. Improved Import from Mindjet Mindmanager
  4. Gallery renamed to “Clip Art”, and new lovely clip art
  5. Support for input method editor (IME) in in-place topic title editing (a big usability improvement for CJK and some European users)
  6. New preference options to change the default behaviour of dragging/dropping external files
  7. Re-calculate relative file hyperlinks on saving
  8. Synchronized topic selection between editor and Gantt view
  9. Each marker group is an expandable section in Markers view
  10. Markers are resized automatically to fit topic font size
  11. The order of markers in a topic is fixed to be as same as the order in Markers view
  12. Turn off topic filter’s highlight effect after deleting the marker used for the filter
  13. Embed JRE in Windows installation folder
  14. Increase the maximum memory settings for Windows versions
  15. Many other smaller improvements

Fixed Bugs

  1. On Windows, XMind fails to launch after Java upgraded to 1.7
  2. On Windows, closing a loading browser editor causes script error and XMind hanging
  3. On Mac OS X, the menu bar is still hidden when pressing “Esc” key to quit the Brainstorming or Presentation mode
  4. On Mac OS X with Java 7 installed, XMind fails to open files with non-ASCII characters in their name
  5. On Ubuntu 12.04 in German language, almost all key bindings are broken and it’s impossible to type any word in topic
  6. Hyperlinks are exported into unrecognizable code
  7. XMind fails to locate collapsed topics when double-clicking them from search result
  8. Hyperlinks in notes are exported as plain text to Word or PPT
  9. Non-ASCII characters in file name are shown as “?” in recent opened file list
  10. Topic’s fill color, line color and line thickness property is not effective when applying an extracted theme
  11. On Windows, XMind fails to conduct relative file hyperlinks across different drivers
  12. Error occurs when XMind tries to open a removed/renamed home map on startup
  13. Error occurs when clicking a removed/renamed file in recent opened file
  14. Error occurs while exporting large mind maps to PDF (Map)
  15. XMind crashes by clicking on the “Label” action in the context menu of the hyperlink/notes icon within the topic
  16. On Mac OS X, double click on an XMind file in Finder to launch XMind causes an additional editor opened with errors
  17. Some multi-thread access issues related to Save operation
  18. Many other smaller bug fixes
