The site has been around for almost eighteen months now, and after many requests to provide an RSS feed for new stuff at the site (I don’t know how to do that), I’ve added a blog. I’ll announce new additions here in this blog, and if you’re interested, you can subscribe to its feed and get to know about the updates that way.
Not only new items – I’ll also include notes about new versions of mind mapping and information management software as it’s released (and as I find out about it).
This site started as a personal collection of information on this type of software. I’ve been mind mapping in one form or another for longer than I care to admit and was always on the lookout for software that helped.
I started with Mind Manager and still use it, though I find the upgrade prices a bit steep. Now I play with FreeMind sometimes. That’s a mixture of rather basic in some ways, and very sophisticated in others – the attribute capability is useful to me.
Once mind mapping was available on computers, I started using it for information management as well. That wasn’t so successful because of space on the screen, but then Topicscape came along and solved that problem, and wikis with mind mapping capabilities too, so I started adding information management software to the database. I’ve never taken a rigid view of mind mapping, whatever Tony Buzan says, so I gathered concept mapping products and other diagramming tools.
Outliners came into the information I collected because the idea isn’t so different from mind mapping, it’s just less flexible. But when you have a mind map and want to turn it into a report, you’re likely to get there via an outline anyway – or at least an indented text format.
I do apply the criterion of requiring a visual element to the presentation of the information shown in the software collected here.
As I collected information from all over, across the years, I stuck it in an Access database. Once I had enough it started to become a useful source, so I decided to share it so now it gets banged into MySQL on-line and the end result was the site.
The original site. 137 items, all on one page!
I’ve been collecting the information for more than ten years, so there’s plenty about products and free services that came and went. I decided to keep those as history, but flagged them so they can be filtered out for most readers. If you’re looking for information about what once existed, you can see the historical items by ticking the “Historical software” box in the “Refine software” tab.
Many people have written to suggest new items – my thanks to them. Some have told me what they don’t like, and I thank them as well – their comments have made me improve the searchability, filtering and information shown. today – fully instrumented . . .
Keep on mapping, and keep the feedback coming!