New cKM, NodeXL and Twiddla

Three new items at this week: cKM, NodeXL and Twiddla

Collaborative Knowledge Management (cKM)

cKM is a concept mapper that works in Second Life.  It is aimed at enterprises engaged in collaborative knowledge creation.  Its price places it well out of the reach of the casual user, but it is not hard to see that it could be valuable in the hands of a creative far-flung team.


NodeXL is a freebie from Microsoft Research that allows datapoints in an Excel spreadsheet to be displayed as a network.

(Click the image to see it full size – it’s worth a look)


Twiddla is a whiteboard collaborative platform – web based and graphical with support for uploading documents, shape drawing, email and, of course, chat.

Vic Gee  (@VicGee on Twitter)
The master list of mind mapping &
information management software


VUE: New version in view

VUE from Tufts University has just appeared in a new version: 3.0

  • New data discovery and exploration tools.
  • Import XML documents, RSS feeds and CSV files.
  • New Exploration Tools panel.
  • Automatic zoom feature for selected items.
  • More automation in highlighting specific content.
  • Compatible with Firefox’s Zotero extension.

This is free and it runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.  Worth a look, as it brings concept mapping and presentation together.  As far as I know, the only other software that does that is the super-slick Prezi.

Vic (@VicGee on Twitter)
The master list of mind mapping &
information management software


A couple of significant updates for 2010

Happy New Year!  Gradually catching up – more to go though.

Topicscape Pro

The beta version of Topicscape I wrote about last month has now passed out of beta and been formally released as a live version.  2D and 3D views below.  I’m using this and liking it a lot.  Give it a try.


The alpha version I wrote about last June is now into a more stable release – it’s in beta.  I tried it and had one problem, but that turned out to be an out-of-date graphics driver, so it’s fixed.  Try this one as well and report any bugs to the Freeplane team.  The appearance of the map owes a lot to FreeMind, naturally, and it has a pleasant uncluttered interface.

Vic Gee  (@VicGee on Twitter)
The master list of mind mapping &
information management software
