Conception & InterModeller

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Company / Author[edit]

Parallel Logic Programming Ltd.


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What they say[edit]

“Conception supports the development of information maps for learning, teaching, research and communication.

An information map (sometimes called a ‘semantic net’) represents a framework of ideas by means of a visual language diagram. Concept maps and mindmaps are two of the best known kinds of information map. Conception supports these, as well as web maps, argument maps, decision maps, planning maps, project maps and many others.

Conception provides powerful hyperlinking. Not only can information maps be hot linked to one another, they can also contain links to Web URLs and to documents of any kind that can be supported on the host computer. Another powerful feature, unmatched by any rival program, is a built-in smart map analyser that can assess a student’s map and provide a score, hints and comments for formative assessment.

InterModeller is a computer program designed for educational model building. With it, learners can build interactive information models (sometimes called `expert systems’) on a variety of topics.

InterModeller is especially suitable for building models of classification, where the information describes the features of the various classes or categories that make up the topic. For example, an InterModeller model might describe various kinds of spiders, plants, shapes, tools, or vehicles. Models can be composed of any of seven representational forms, including decision trees, classification (hierarchical) trees, factor tables, and rules. A model in one form can be automatically transformed into any other form. Models can be `slimmed’ to improve efficiency”


Educational modelling software for concept mapping and expert systems.

InterModeller is still available free for personal use. Conception is not. Other than that, this operation has closed.

Their website[edit]

Operating System(s)[edit]

Mac | Windows

Price: Conception Free to individuals; InterModeller GBP70/year; InterModeller GBP70/year/school  |  Status: Historical  |  Date added: 2006-03-14

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