Company / Author[edit]
Thoughtgraph Ltd
Click for enlarged image.
What they say[edit]
“Debatemapper is a free web-based tool for collaboratively modelling and evaluating debates in politics, public policy and other spheres.
It enables us to gain a full and fair perspective on every point of view in contentious debates, with all positions and arguments articulated concisely in a colour-coded map built on sound argumentation principles, in which every element is editable.
Debatemapper lets everyone with a modern browser build and share debatemaps for free, and clarify, inform, and evaluate all lines of thought, options and actions.
What is distinctive about our approach?
Debatemapper is designed to handle the complexity of real-world debates in which, for example:
Multiple alternative policies are often in contention and irreducible to simple pro/con debates.
Policy proposals are often compound entities rather than single measures, with significant overlap between rival policies.
Issues need to be framed in an agent-specific way that recognizes the different interests and repertoires of measures available to different actors.
Arguments invoked in a debate often draw cogency from a background of beliefs, values, assumptions and theories that are themselves debatable.”
This has now been absorbed into Debategraph
Their website[edit]
Operating System(s)[edit]
Browser based—— Price: Free | Status: Historical (defunct) | Date added: 2007-11-04
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