Company / Author[edit]
Bob Hepple
Click for enlarged image.
What they say[edit]
“gjots2 is a simple jotter application for your desktop – an outline processor.
You can use gjots2 to organise your jottings into a tree structure, adding thoughts and miscellany as you go. You can get it to spit out HTML, XML, postscript, pdf, man etc etc (see the online manual for an example of the HTML conversion).
You can use it to ‘mind-map’ your compositions – write down all your thoughts and then start organising them into a tree. By manipulating the tree you can easily reorder your thoughts and structure them appropriately.
gjots2 supports the use of ccrypt, gpg and openssl to encrypt and decrypt files. Just make sure the encryption packages that you want to use are installed as they are not all a standard part of all Linux distributions.
gjots2 is written under the GNU Copyleft GPL so please note the terms and conditions under the license section of the manual. Broadly speaking the program is free of charge and free of restrictions on what you can do with it, except restrict it – in other words, it’s liberated or ‘libre’ as well as free as in free beer, but that’s much less important.
Since version 2.0.0, gjots2 is implemented in Python and pygtk for GTK-2.
Internationalisation and Localisation
French, Russian, Italian, Czech and Norwegian versions are complete and Hungarian is already under way.”
Their website[edit]
Operating System(s)[edit]
Price: Free | Status: Current | Date added: 2007-07-08
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