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Company / Author[edit]

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Haystack Project


Click for enlarged image.

What they say[edit]

“Haystack is a tool designed to let individuals manage all their information in ways that make the most sense to them. By removing arbitrary barriers created by applications that handle only certain information types and that record only a fixed set of relationships defined by the developer, we aim to let users define whichever arrangements of, connections between, and views of information they find most effective. Such personalization of information management will dramatically improve everyone’s ability to find what they need when they need it.

You can download preliminary, play with it versions of Haystack and its source code from the website. Although these versions run reasonably well, and although they demonstrate many of the ideas we are examining, they still have plenty of rough edges that may preclude their use as a tool”


Intriguing note taking software tool with concept-mapping mode. Seems to have been dormant since end-2004. Requires Eclipse.

Their website[edit]


Operating System(s)[edit]


Price: Free for ‘preliminary’ version  |  Status: Historical (defunct)  |  Date added: 2006-06-24

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