Hortus / ICTS

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Company / Author[edit]

AHG Inc.


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What they say[edit]

“Branching Story Authoring Software is a web-based tool that allows instructional designers to create, modify, share and collaborate on branching stories behind immersive training simulations. Branching story is created using intuitive graphical user interface. You can arrange different colored containers that represent characters, dialogs, choices and actions. By doing so, you define simulation flow. Clicking on each container produces a pop-up window with textual data and other details for that simulation point, such as dialogs text, trainee choices, assessment for each choice, score, etc.

The interface provides easy visualization of the entire story, as well as access to details at any point. Since the tool is web-based, the branching story is accessable to all authorized personnel who is working on the simulation for review and, if authorized, for modifications.”


Part of ICTS, Hortus is the branching story authoring component. It is software that allows users to create a map of simulation flow for communication / branching story based simulations. Pricing is complicated. Hortus: subscription $50/mth; purchase $395. ICTS: hosted $5,000.00 setup (incl. 6 months hosting / support); thereafter $200/month; purchase $10,000+

Their website[edit]


Operating System(s)[edit]

Browser based—— Price: $50/mth or $395 (see Observations for more)  |  Status: Historical (defunct)  |  Date added: 2008-11-19

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