Company / Author[edit]
John Boyd-Rainey
Click for enlarged image.
What they say[edit]
“You can use it for MindMapping(r) but your information-trees aren’t limited to being flat (2 dimensional).
i2Brain allows you to see your information from different view-points.
It’s as flexible as a database, but it uses graphics to visualize your information and its connections.
You get away from lists or trees of information. i2Brain shows you what is in your head – a network of information.”
There are some useful alternative ways of showing diagrams – not limited to mind maps. I can’t see anything to justify the claim that ‘your information-trees aren’t limited to being flat (2 dimensional)’, though. Demo version is crippled.
Their website[edit]
Operating System(s)[edit]
Linux | Mac | Windows
Price: GBP35 | Status: Current | Date added: 2007-05-25
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