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Company / Author[edit]



Click for enlarged image.

What they say[edit]

“Multilevel structured (Tree) view of your information.

… Organize by using an outliner approach.

Freeform Information … no database design.

… Simply add your topics to the outline and start entering information.

Comprehensive search facilities to help you find and retrieve your information.

… Text searches, keyword/key phrase searches, Due Date searches and structured browsing.

Shared, concurrent access to your information databases by LAN users.

Intuitive links to other system resources.

… Link to other InfoTree notes, system/LAN files, web sites, email addresses and MS Outlook folders/items.

General resource activation panel.

… Quick access to the resource of your choice … web page, system file, etc. URL’s are added to a self populating dropdown list.

Record level user definable fields.

Uses the Microsoft Access database engine for storing your notes.

User selectable tree images.

Text encryption facility.

Unlimited, user-defined keywords/key phrases for indexing your information.

ToDo List Facility.”


Outliner software. Their description has been edited for size.

Their website[edit]

Operating System(s)[edit]


Price: US$70  |  Status: Historical (defunct)  |  Date added: 2006-06-18

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