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Company / Author[edit]

JGraph Limited


Click for enlarged image.

What they say[edit]

“JGraph is professional open source software.

JGraph: The free Swing-style component with source code, 140k in size, feature-rich, fully documented and commercially supported.

JGraph Layout Pro: Powerful and fast graph layouts provide automatic positioning functionality to improve user’s visual experience.

JGraphpad Pro: Complete rich-client platform for rapid application development. For graph applications where time-to-market is critical.

  • Process diagrams, workflow and BPM visualization, flowcharts, even traffic or water flow.
  • Database and WWW visualization, networks and telecoms displays, mapping applications and GIS.
  • UML diagrams, electronic circuits, VLSI, CAD, financial and social networks and data mining.
  • Biochemistry, ecological cycles, entity and cause-effect relationships and organisational charts.”


This is a development environment for graphical presentation of information. There are many examples of applications that third-party developers have made with jgraph here: http://jgraph.com/screenshots.html and it would be best to visit that to see the flexibility offered.

There is a free, open source version, here. For the purchased version, pricing is very complicated. Please go here: http://jgraph.com/purchase.html

Their website[edit]


Operating System(s)[edit]

Linux | Mac | Windows

Price: Variously: Free (LGPL, GPL) – US$595 – 1,995  |  Status: Current  |  Date added: 2007-10-26

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