Let's focus

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Company / Author[edit]

reflact AG


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What they say[edit]

“let’s focus – the solution for knowledge communication and e-moderation consists of overall four tools which we would like to show you in this area.

The tracker can assist you in preparing, moderating and documenting meetings, workshops and conferences. Over one hundred icons – which are available to you in the other three tools as well – offer an adequate visualization for hopefully every situation you encounter.

The positioner can support you in analyzing and structuring customers, competitors, products or problems. You have over sixty backgrounds to choose from – each one able to stimulate the creativity and motivation of the participants.

The ruler can be used to develop and evaluate scenarios, products, strategies and investments. Unlike the other three tools the main focus is not on icons and backgrounds but on up to twenty sliders with up to ten fields each, representing evaluation criteria and their related values.

The timeliner finally was developed to help plan and realize activities, projects, strategies or measures. Its special feature is the timeline, a theoretical unlimited horizontal workspace.”


Aimed at facilitating physical or electronic meetings using visual tools.

Their website[edit]


Operating System(s)[edit]


Price: EUR198  |  Status: Current  |  Date added: 2007-05-12

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