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Company / Author[edit]

LICEF, Télé-université


Click for enlarged image.

What they say[edit]

“The MOT acronym means “Modeling using Object Types”. A knowledge model is similar to a concept map, except that it is based on a typology of links and knowledge objects.

Based on cognitive and educational science research, four basic types of knowledge entities are distinguished (facts, concepts, procedure and principles). Concepts (or classes of objects), procedures (or classes of actions) and principles (or classes of statements, properties or rules) are the primitive objects of the MOT graphical language. The type of the object is represented by geometrical figures, where each class or individual (facts) is represented by a name within the figure.

The MOT and MOTPlus software allows to build a graphic representation of knowledge or mindmaps in different fields of knowledge and to underline the relations among the knowledge units. Using the primitive set of knowledge types and links in MOT, it is possible to build the following categories of models:

  • conceptual models: conceptual map, class/sub-class hierarchies, “parts-of” hierarchies
  • procedural models: sequential procedures, parallel procedures, flowcharts (iterative procedures)
  • prescriptive models: integrity constraints, laws and theories, decision trees, control structures
  • processes and methods: analysis, synthesis and collaborative (distributed) processes

These software possesses sophisticated graphic functionalities. MOTplus adds to the basic MOT editor powerful multi-domain and layered editing capacities, as well as labeling functions to facilitate knowledge modeling by teams. The latest version enables you to build learning design compliant to the IMS-LD specification and export it to that format with validation. It also enables the graphic construction of ontologies compliant to the OWL-DL standard.”


These images courtesy: TéLé-université, LICEF Research Centre

Their website[edit]

Operating System(s)[edit]


Price: Not free, but no further info at present.  |  Status: Historical (defunct)  |  Date added: 2010-01-03

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