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Now replaced by ClaroIdeas (see separate entry)

Company / Author[edit]

Sensory Software / Claro / Spectronics


Click for enlarged image.

What they say[edit]

“MindFull from Sensory Software is designed for the creation and editing of concept maps. It has been specifically developed to support people with disabilities, e.g. dyslexia. The designers have tried to keep the complexity of the program down whilst still retain the functionality of a Concept Mapping program. Concept maps help anyone to learn, memorize, and organize. MindFull enables you to: brainstorm your ideas, create exercises and games to aid learning, and turn visual thoughts into a linear essay. You can do this by using images, arrows/links, text and graphics, creating ‘Sound Maps’ where the each node/idea on the Concept Map can have a (user) recorded sound associated with it, linking Concept Maps together so that a node/idea on one concept map can take to you another, and outputting your Concept Map to Microsoft Word.”


Aimed at educational users, sold under a new name: ‘Claro MindFull’.

Their website[edit]

Operating System(s)[edit]


Price: see Claro MindFull  |  Status: Historical (defunct)  |  Date added: 2006-03-14

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