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Company / Author[edit]

Novamind Software Pty Ltd


Click for enlarged image.

What they say[edit]

“Brainstorming: NovaMind is a key tool used to conduct and record the outcomes of brainstorming sessions. Use this technique to generate ideas for marketing, KPI’s, goals and problem resolution. Having employees involved in brainstorming sessions encourages creativity, initiative, communication and improved employer/employee relationships.

Presentations: Use NovaMind during presentations as a prompt so that all points detailed on your Mind Map are covered – you can print a whole Mind Map on one page! This is a great help so information is not forgotten and discussions stay focused on the topic at hand.

Motivating People: Business owners and managers often find it difficult to motivate people. Using Mind Mapping techniques they can quickly assess the different options available for motivating their staff and put them into effect.”


mind mapping software with good support for images. Mac and Windows. Good info at

Their website[edit]

Operating System(s)[edit]

Mac | Windows

Price: US$99 standard edition; $119 screenwriters edition  |  Status: Current  |  Date added: 2007-01-09

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