Personal Brain
Company / Author[edit]
TheBrain Technologies Corp.
Click for enlarged image.
What they say[edit]
“PersonalBrain is a software application that models the associative nature of the human mind to display information as “Thoughts” that are linked together in a single user interface. Rooted in this idea, PersonalBrain enables people to move beyond linear, hierarchical filing structures, the method most commonly imposed upon users by traditional desktop computing. Instead, with a simple drag-and-drop interface, users can create associative networks of Thoughts that reflect their way of thinking about their information. Clicking on a Thought activates its associated document, file or Web page. Users get personalized access to information from a variety of disparate sources without having to launch separate applications or dig through files and folders.”
Smart Browsing / Organizing software. Not what Buzan would call Mind Mapping, but anyone who’s done mind mapping would immediately recognize the style and adapt to the Brain. I know, I’ve been there – used it for several years until I imported all my ‘Brains’ to 3D Topicscape and switched to that.
Their website[edit]
Operating System(s)[edit]
Mac (OS9) | network enabled | Windows
Price: PBCore US$150; PBPro US$250; Free version available. EKP price not on Web | Status: Current | Date added: 2002-02-27
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