Project Draw

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Company / Author[edit]


Click for enlarged image.

What they say[edit]

“(no real description at the site, more a release log, but it’s fairly obvious what it does and how. – Vic)”


Not mind mapping software but could be used to produce some form of information map, as well as some of the type of diagrams produced by MS Visio. The first image shows the working screen, the second shows the jpg file saved and downloaded to the user’s PC. Files can be saved in editable or bit-mapped formats. Mac and Windows users have to choose a different editable format, but both are supported. Now has a Google Gears backend option to let you work offline as well.

This was formerly known as Cumulate Draw.

Their website[edit] (formerly at

Operating System(s)[edit]

Browser based—— Price: Free to individuals (contact them for commerical use).  |  Status: Historical (defunct)  |  Date added: 2007-06-11

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