Semantica SE
Company / Author[edit]
Semantic Research Inc.
Click for enlarged image.
What they say[edit]
“Semantica provides an intuitive, graphical environment for quickly and easily capturing unstructured knowledge, integrating it into an accessible knowledge representation framework and distributing it to learners, peers and decision makers.”
Nice mind mapping software with concept mapping touches. The example diagram given is a pure hierarchy but includes association descriptions. As noted elsewhere I need, and always look for, multi-parent capabilities. Aug 2010, website says Semantica 5.0 coming Summer 2010, and apart from contact info, there’s nothing else on the site.
Their website[edit]
Operating System(s)[edit]
Mac | Windows
Price: Semantica SE US$??; US$80(Edu) | Status: Historical (defunct) | Date added: 2006-03-14
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