Sparx Enterprise Architect

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Company / Author[edit]

Sparx Systems Pty Ltd.


Click for enlarged image.

What they say[edit]

“The UML 2.1 powered, team-based modeling environment embraces the full software development lifecycle.

Features: Latest UML 2.1 specification; XMI 2.1 import/export; All new HTML reporting engine; MDA transformations; Profiles and Technology support; Testing, resource tracking, maintenance; Team Based Modeling; Shareable files or Repository based models; Version control with any SCC compliant tool; Inbuilt security and rights management.”


According to, Sparx has brought in a new ‘mind mapping’ profiler to help capture creative-idea development, which is how it makes its way into It costs more than many mind mappers, but less than many UML modellers, so if you have that need, it’s worth examining. There are no mind map screenshots on the site, unfortunately.

Their website[edit]

Operating System(s)[edit]


Price: US$135-$699  |  Status: Current  |  Date added: 2007-08-13

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