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Company / Author[edit]

Ventana Systems, Inc.


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What they say[edit]

“Industrial strength simulation software for improving the performance of real systems. Vensim’s rich feature set emphasizes model quality, connections to data, flexible distribution, and advanced algorithms. Configurations for everyone from students to professionals.Simulation functions available are:

  • Common functions are the most often used and this is the default list the Equation Editor presents.
  • Simple functions have no inherent dynamics. They determine the value of output based solely on the current values of inputs. A function, in mathematical usage, usually refers to a simple function.
  • All lists all the built-in and external functions – essentially everything in this chapter plus any external function that might have been created. It does not list Lookups or User Macros.
  • Dynamic functions impart some dynamics, so that the output depends on more than the current value of inputs. Dynamic functions in Vensim are implemented as Macros to enable complete causal tracing.
  • Delay functions are functions that introduce delays and are useful for tracking discrete elements including attributes in queues.
  • Financial functions are functions that allow the adding up and manipulation of things within a fiscal period that might be different from the Time Step of the model. These functions operate like both Dynamic and Simple functions at the same time.
  • Lookup functions are those that have been defined for the model.
  • Reality Check functions are those that relate to writing Reality Check Equations. These can only be used in Reality Check equations.
  • Data Only functions are only used with data. Data equations relate to vectors of values over time, and the data-only functions allow some additional manipulation of those vectors.
  • Array functions are those that relate to arrays (SUM and so on). (Only available with DSS or Professional Vensim)
  • Macros are Macros that you have entered into the model using :MACRO: definitions.
  • User Defined function are ones that have been added through the use of an external function DLL”


This is a tool for modeling business processes visually. It has four versions of varying degrees of capability. G+

Their website[edit]

Operating System(s)[edit]

Mac | Windows

Price: Per user: DSS $1995; Professional $1195; PLE Plus $169; PLE $50.  |  Status: Current  |  Date added: 2013-11-28

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