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Company / Author[edit]

Context Discovery Inc.


Click for enlarged image.

What they say[edit]

“WebSummarizer automatically creates intelligent summaries from web pages, documents and plain text. It is a valuable research and discovery application providing powerful visualization and efficient text analysis tools. The blending of visualization with summarization, knowledge browsing, mind mapping, plus integration with 3-rd party tools provides users with a wide range of means to explore relevant web contents, follow social media trends and analyze corporate contents.

The summaries are presented in context of your research topics.

You instantly get the headlines with the most important sentences and keywords. At a glance, without much reading, you immediately spot the key information chunks.”


This works in a browser, where it can display the maps it generates. You view the map initially in the browser, but you can export the analysis it produces to HTML, Rich Text Format (.rtf), MindManager, XMind, iThoughts and MindGenius formats. You need an account to use most export options. WebSummarizer has several choices of input source and four modules, accessed by tabs along the top of the working area.

For input, you can have a web page URL, a block of your own text that you paste in, a file (PDF, Word, TXT and others) and a topic from Wikipedia. Topics can be summarized from Wikipedia in three ways:

  • a summaries map focused on a single Wikipedia page for your chosen topic – (’Summarize Wikipedia article’)
  • a map to show summaries from the most relevant Wikipedia articles related to your topic (’Wikipedia Knowledge Base’).
  • an in-depth map that draws on a database of 3 million summarized Wikipedia pages (’Wikipedia Visual Knowledge Map’).

See Roy Grubb’s review at the blog: http://www.informationtamers.com/mind-mapping/blog/2013/09/visual-content-delivery-from-context-discovery/ G+

Their website[edit]


Operating System(s)[edit]

Browser based—— Price: Light: US$40 p.a.; Personal: $55 p.a.; Premium: $70 p.a.  |  Status: Historical  |  Date added: 2013-09-21

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Visual Thinking Center