YFiles and yEd
Company / Author[edit]
yWorks GmbH
Click for enlarged image.
What they say[edit]
“yFiles: . . . software components for the visualization of networks and diagrams.
automatic diagram layout, cutting edge graph analysis, and extraordinary visualization.
yFiles is an extensive Java(tm) class library that provides algorithms and components enabling the analysis, visualization, and the automatic layout of graphs, diagrams, and networks.
yEd is a very powerful graph editor that is written entirely in the Java programming language. It can be used to quickly and effectively generate drawings and to apply automatic layouts to a range of different diagrams and networks.
yEd is available as a free download with unrestricted functionality.”
The design of this site only allows for 3 diagrams, but visit
to see the staggeringly wide range of possibilities.
These run on any machine that supports Java.
Their website[edit]
Operating System(s)[edit]
Linux | Mac | Windows
Price: yFiles: US$2,700+US$810p.a. yEd: Free | Status: Current | Date added: 2008-02-19
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