Category: Mindmappers' blogs
Blogs with a strong emphasis on mind mapping. If a blog has just a few items about the subject, only those specific posts will appear here. Most mind mapping software publishers also have blogs - visit their sites to find these, except for the MindJet one, which is included here because of that software's importance in the market.
Blog about GTD with MindManager, ResultsManager and GyroQ
Blog on mind mapping, project management, visual learning, collaborative tools, and educational technology
Concise Learning
A site teaching study methods to students. Using mind maps and other methods for effective learning.
Beyond Mind Mapping: How to get the most from mind mapping software for business users
A blog about mind mapping with posts from the movers and shakers of mind mapping
Ideamapping Blogspot
Jamie Nast's blog (updating news about her products and also mind mapping software)
IQ Matrix
IQ Matrix - mindmapping and life coaching site with some of the best mind maps on the web, drawn by Adam Sicinski.
Blog about getting things together in a digital world
Mind maps are meant to inspire, so don't be afraid to get creative. Here, I'll share maps that are usually fun, oftentimes practical and occasionaly irrelevant. In fact they′re Maplicious!
Michael Tipper's site
Michael is a speaker, facilitator and writer on business and educational applications of Accelerated Learning principles and techniques, Mind Mapping, Creativity, Speed Reading and Memory Improvement.
MindCert.com's blog - provides knowledge and news about mind mapping targeting people interested in IT industry
Chance Brown's blog. Chance is a Learning and Development Specialist and Mindmapping Consultant. He says "Mindmapping has been an incredible tool for my success. It is my hope this blog helps others leverage the power of mindmapping."
The place to go to track news about mind mapping and information management software, and other mind-mapping news. This is MindMapSearch.org's mother site.
Blog from the author of HeadCase, Elliott Bignell. Not updated recently, but this provides some insights into Elliot's thinking and some excellent mindmaps.
Thinking & organizing
Thinking about how we think, how we create, how we analyze and how we organize our personal life, our work, our reference and our hobbies.
Steve Rothwell's blog about mind mapping in general and MindManager in particular
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