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Ctrl+- Insert a soft hyphen (editing topic names in Details Panel only). Ctrl+A a) When viewing the Map or 'Scape: show the structure of your present Topicscape by briefly replacing the topic names by showing the relationship of each topic to the Current Topic. This times out after 5 seconds, or you can just press Ctrl+A again to show your names immediately.
b) When editing text: "Select all". Select all in certain lists like the Topic Center's occurrences list and Pending Tray items.
c) In certain lists like the Topic Center's occurrences list and Pending Tray items: "Select all".Ctrl+B: Show all hits appearing in the Hit List -- Topics & Occurrences -- show them in alphabetical order of topic with occurrence hits alphabetically with their respective topics.Alt+C Make a child of a selected topic; or a floating topic if no topic is selected (defaults to child of the topic on which you drop it). Ctrl+C Copy for occurrences or text. Ctrl+D Minimize or restore the details panel (toggle). Ctrl+E Show or hide the Enlarger panel.. Ctrl+H Hit and History lists toggle between 3D and 2D format. Alt+L Make a loose associate of a topic is selected; or a floating topic if no topic is selected (defaults to loose associate of the topic on which you drop it). Ctrl+L Flash lights in tunnels to draw attention to them. Ctrl+M Pop up the 'Hit list shows' menu in the Lists Contol Bar. Works on the Map or 'Scape only. Ctrl+N (New) acts like Alt+C in the Map or 'Scape. Ctrl+O Limit hits appearing in the Hit List to Occurrences only -- show them in alphabetical order. Alt+O Show the Options panel (customization options). Alt+P Make a parent of a selected topic; or a floating topic if no topic is selected (defaults to parent of the topic on which you drop it). Ctrl+S Pop up text area for Local Search if in the Map or 'Scape, or Topic Center Search if in the Topic Center. Ctrl+T Limit hits appearing in the Hit List to Topics only -- show them in alphabetical order. Ctrl+U Choose field/ground textures to suit your preference. Alt+U Cycle through various field/ground textures to choose your preference. Ctrl+V Paste for occurrences or text. Ctrl+X Cut for occurrences or text. Ctrl+Y Redo. Ctrl+Z Undo. Ctrl+- Insert a soft hyphen (editing topic names in Details Panel only). Insert Acts like Alt+C in the Map or 'Scape and makes a new occurrence in the Topic Center. Shift+Insert Acts like Alt+P in the Map or 'Scape and makes a new occurrence in the Topic Center.
Left-double-clicking in the field also makes a new floating topic.View-change keys Home Home view. Shift+Home Whole view. Alt+Home Current Topic's chidren view. Ctrl+Home Return to main view from Topicscape Islands or Topicscape Orphans. Shift+End Birds-eye view. End 3D-Hit and History lists view or swing out 2D-Hit and History lists. Function keys F1 Open Topicscape Help F2 If a topic or occurrence is selected, open its name for editing. If none is selected, and you immediately select a topic or occurrence, the associated details panel will appear with the name in text editing mode. Shift+F2 When you are editing text, press Shift+F2 and a larger text editing panel will pop up to let you see more of the text at once. F3 Repeat the last search or, if the Advanced Search panel is visible at that time, reload the criteria for the last search. This can be useful if you want to make a small change before trying again. F4 Choose topic colors for individual topics, topics at a given level in the structure or topic groups. Shift F4 Cycle through the three color scheme arrangements. F5 Refresh the screen (updates sorts if items have changed, removes semitransparent topics whose associations have been broken). F6 Hide all topics except any flagged ones while pressed. F7 Hold down to show all association lines in the 'Scape. Shift+F7 Toggles showing all association lines on and off . Also shows the 3D association type panels for Association types that you have edited. F8 Toggles visibility of selected topic's parent association lines. F9 Hides / shows extra parents of Current Topic's children (tall thin pyramids, if any, at the front of the 'Scape) as well as siblings' children. (Siblings, if any, appear on either side of the Current Topic. F10 Show least detail (hide topic rectangles or cones below immediate children of Current Topic, i.e. hide its grandchildren and great-grandchildren) Shift+F10 Show all topic rectangles or cones and pyramids, hide names of topics below immediate children of Current Topic F11 Show medium detail (hide topic rectangles or cones of great-grandchildren of Current Topic, i.e. hide lowest level children only) Shift+F11 Show all topic rectangles or cones and pyramids, hide names of great-grandchildren of Current Topic F12 Show full detail -- all topic rectangles or cones and pyramids Shift+F12 Show all topics' names. Double-clicks act as follows: Left double-click a topic Enter its Topic Center (to see the occurrences in it). Left double-click an occurrence Open it with its Windows-associated application Left double-click a tunnel Enter the tunnel to see the topics loosely associated with that one. Right double-click a topic Make it current.
A 'Shortcuts' Help panel is also available in Topicscape. Just press the lightning-flash button on the toolbar.
Next: Appendix C: Data storage in Topicscape
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