Microsoft Outlook
Am I able to open an Outlook 2007 email as an Occurrence in a Topic?
Yes, you can, together with various other items from Outlook, but you need to know the full picture.
- Topicscape needs to make an adjustment in order to allow links to be made because MS dropped a necessary registry key for the Outlook protocol between O2007 beta and the live release. When you first run Topicscape, if it detects Outlook 2007, it asks if you want to enable drag and drop from Outlook. You can reply yes at that point, or if you did not, you can open Topicscape, and in the Tools menu, select "Enable Outlook 2007 drag and drop".
- Topicscape makes Live Links to Outlook items. This means that it does not store an .eml file in, but a URI to the item. When you double-click on the occurrence, it initiates an opening of the actual email (or contact, task, note, etc.) in Outlook.
- If you want to make an Outlook item into a stand-alone file that does not link into the Outlook database, just drag the item to the desktop and then into Topicscape.
- Outlook Web Access (OWA) items are not drag-and-droppable directly into Topicscape. Windows/the browser do not make data available to third party progams (as far as we know). We assume that this is a deliberate decision on MS's part, based on security considerations.
I just upgraded Outlook to a new version and have a problem
"Topicscape has stopped making live connections to items like tasks and calendar entries in Outlook. What happened?"
When Microsoft released Office 2007, they dropped support for external applications wanting, as Topicscape does, to use the Outlook protocol. This can be fixed with a registry change that is automated in Topicscape.
If you install Outlook 2007 after Topicscape Pro, you will have to enable the function from the Tools menu: "Enable Outlook 2007 drag and drop".
When you install Topicscape Pro, if it finds Outlook 2007 already installed, it will offer to enable this function. Just reply OK, and the change will done.
You can learn more about this from Microsoft. Click on "The Outlook protocol no longer works outside Outlook" link on this page:
I'm using Vista 64-bit (or Win7 or 8) & have a problem with dragging Outlook into Topicscape
This was a bug and the latest installer fixed it.
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