Topic controls
(Go to:Topicscape Pro User Guide - contents list)
When using Google Earth or Cooliris-style controls
- to select a topic, hover over it;
- to make a topic current, click on it (mouse left-button click);
- to go to the Topic Center, left-click on the red flash or peeled corner;
- to see contents, hover over the flash or peeled corner.
When using classic Topicscape 3D flying or Alternative 2D flying
- to select a topic, click on it;
- to make a topic current, double-right click on it.
- to go to a topic's Topic Center, double-left click;
- to see contents of a topic, hover over the red flash or peeled corner .
Visual indicators on topics
'Plus' labels ('+')
These small labels show the presence of hidden layers of detail above or below topics visible at the time. They appear at the foot of rectangle or cone to show that children of the topic exist but are not displayed at present, or at the top of a rectangle or pyramid to show that it has hidden parents. In 2D, they appear at the bottom right for children that are not shown, and top right for hidden parents.
Make the topic current to see all its associated topics.
In 2D, tunnels (loose associations) show up as small icons on the bottom left of 2D topic rectangles. In 3D they appear as tunnels into the cone. They are ringed in white in these two images. Tunnels are clickable.
Promoted occurrences
Promoted occurrences are icons that appear in the Map or 'Scape when you choose one occurrence in a topic to promote. You can click on them once to start the application associated with occurrence and open it. They appear at the top left of 2D rectangles and at the tip of 3D cones.
See the main section for more information about Promoted occurrences.
Next: Swinging panels
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