Topicscape has many ways of zooming:
- Quickzoom
- Mouse scroll wheel
- Number pad + / - keys
- The Enlarger
Zoom instantly to the area around any topic.
Interested in the marked area on the left image? Hold down the Shift key; left-click and hold the mouse button down on the topic-cone and you're there instantly.

Not what you were looking for? Release the mouse button, and you will zoom back. Found what you wanted? Release the Shift key and you'll stay there. So you can click all over the 'Scape and have a magnified view of any part of interest immediately. This beats scrolling hands down.
Press CapsLock once instead, and Quickzoom to different places without having to hold any keys down. Then you can fly while zoomed, as well.
Help, Quickzoom isn't working
It only works if you have mouse flying switched on: (Tools | Options | Flight Control | Customize | check Allow mouse flight).
Doesn't zooming in just make everything jagged and blocky-looking?
Not with 3D Topicscape. Using today's advanced 3D graphics technology, as you get closer, the detail shown improves. This is limited only by the quality of your screen . . . at least until you are so close that the image on the screen is not really useful - for example when a couple of letters fill the screen, say.
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