Choosing between 2D and 3D mind maps
Mapping in 3D is a big deal for those who use mind maps to organize information. So, many Topicscape users stick to the 3D information landscape, enjoying its Quickzoom feature that takes full advantage of 3D graphics hardware.
But if you need to do some simple, quick mapping, you may find that starting in 2D has benefits.
As the project or the information to be organized grows, then you can take advantage of the unique 3D landscape view, that lets you take in so much more at a glance.
Topicscape gives you the choice between the two representations:-
- A 2D Map with rectangular topics, where any topic can be linked to any other in either a parent-child relationship or a loose relationship. Any topic can be chosen as the one around which all other related ones are organized.
With simple controls, this allows you to swing your 2D Map in 3D so that even a very large map can easily be explored and exploited to the full. If you’ve seen Colliris, you’ll understand the advantage of this, and how to use it will be instinctive. Quickzoom is still available, because 2D mode also uses advanced 3D graphics hardware.
- A 3D Landscape for advanced Topicscapers that extends visibility still further and allows you to recognize where you are immediately by the ‘lie of the land’. If you can control Google Earth, you can control Topicscape in 3D mode.
If you are in the 2D Map, the button will look like the one on the left, above, to show that clicking it takes you into 3D. To move from the 3D Landscape to the 2D Map view, use the one shown on the right.
And if you don’t have your hand on the mouse, use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+w which toggles the view between 2D and 3D.