Information systems, technology and the human factor
I walked into the room for a meeting ahead of time – and found a noisy and excited argument in progress. I was just an outside consultant, there to act as facilitator, so I focused on getting my laptop hooked up and the projector working. I wanted to get the participants building a mindmap of agreed successful points with me quickly, as well as discussing issues found, which is all they wanted to talk about right then.
We were there to discuss what the users were expecting from a new information system, and the developers were scheduled to present the results of feedback from the first round of user testing.
That particular meeting did eventually calm down, but wasn’t a good start and would have been more productive in other circumstances.
Now, I have a different approach that brings out these problems, which were principally about trust, at a much earlier stage and deals with them differently. It changes many other aspects of getting business information systems out that really deliver what’s required – it’s called VPEC-T and you can read about it, and see a detailed mind map by following the links here: VPEC-T the 5D lens and here: VPEC-T the mindmap
If you’re involved with information systems at the intersection of businesses and information technology, take a look and let me know what you think.
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