Memory, stories and mind maps
A while a go, I reviewed a book called “Made to Stick“ by Chip and Dan Heath. Chuck Frey of the MindMapingSoftwareBlog recommended it to me, and it was one of those recommendations that change your thinking. I was very enthusiastic about it (still am) and I did a mind map of it to include in the review.
Then last night, Paul Foreman of MindMapInspiration discovered and tweeted about it (his Twitter handle is @mindmapdrawer) and it went mildly viral as @IQMatrix, @Dr_SG, @gcimmarrusti and others commented. I’m very happy about this – that book should be known to everyone.
But one witty comment from @Dr_SG caught my eye and made me think : “This an excellent map, Roy. It really lays out the important points of the book. So well, in fact, that I’m not going to read the book at all ;o)”
So here’s the dichotomy: Mind maps are supposed to help you remember things – they certainly help me, and that’s why I did the map in the first place. I found the book very convincing and wanted a quick overview to go back to. Then decided to review it briefly and publish the mind map on line.
But using the mind map as a prime source of the ideas in the book would mean you wouldn’t see all the delightful and persuasive stories, and the ideas wouldn’t be Made to Stick.
I know it was a tongue-in-cheek witticism Dr_SG, but I hope you will really read the book if you haven’t already!