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. . . . . is being used by . . . . . do you want to make a copy?

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Old versions of MS Office on Windows XP:

If, when you open a MS Office document by double-clicking its icon, you get message “yyyyyyy is being used by xxxxx do you want to make a copy?”

Fix it like this

1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. Locate and select the following registry key:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Document.8\shell\open\comma nd
If you find that the (Default) data string looks like this:
you should change the string to look like this:
To change the (Default) data string, follow these steps:
a. Click to select (Default).
b. On the Edit menu, click Modify.
c. In the Value data box, delete the “%1” and then click OK.
d. On the Registry menu, click Exit.

As always, Registry changes are at your own risk.

A similar fix works for Excel, instead of Word.Document.8 look for Excel.Document.8

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