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The advantage of ‘mind maps’

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You probably think I’m going to enthuse about the maps and their uses.  Well, I’m not. Not in this post.  You can find several acres of my enthusiasm for all types of mind maps at WikIT.  (If acres are a suitable measure for wiki pages.)

No, not the maps themselves, those two words “mind maps”.

This is not a term that goes back centuries even though some forms of tree diagram do.   So, many languages other than English have just adopted “mind maps” as well.

As a result, when we search on Twitter, we get to see what the mind mapping action is in Spanish, French and German-speaking countries.   The Spanish do have mapas mentales, the French cartes heuristiques (and quite a few others), but “mind maps” is used often enough that Internet searches reveal activity in countries the world over.

And thanks to Google Translate, we can even keep up with what mappers are doing in Thailand, Indonesia and Japan.


You can follow me on Twitter for more news about mind mapping.

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