WikIT – a mind mapping wiki that you can add to
InformationTamers has just released a factual, hype-free wiki, covering all forms of information mapping.
This is WikIT, the mind mapping wiki describing many different types of information map; when you would use each type; benefits and drawbacks; how to recognize them; how to use them in web sites; and a wide range of articles on business, personal and educational uses of mind and concept maps. The authors draw on more than thirty years of mind mapping experience in personal life and across a wide range of businesses.
This wiki already has a very extensive content plan (mind mapped, naturally) with interactive maps on key articles and with substantial articles already included, covering:
♦ Information maps ♦ Information map types
♦ Information map uses ♦ Mind maps ♦ Common mind maps
♦ Concept maps ♦ Concept maps or mind maps? the choice
♦ Clustering ♦ Collaborating with mind maps
♦ Creativity through mind mapping ♦ Idea maps
♦ Personal uses of mind maps ♦ Project planning with mind maps
♦ Research on the web ♦ Use of mind maps in formal education
♦ Visual thinking guides ♦ Spidergrams … and many more.
There are many more sections than this. Explore the interactive Flash mind map showing the overall plan for WikIT here: On this WikIT outline interactive mind map, you can click on the small + symbols to open branches, zoom or reduce the map, and click on the small link images to open pages in WikIT.
WikIT will not be limited to that plan, other items can be added – by you, if you wish. WikIT is open for editing according to the policies described at the site.
See the All Pages list for a list of titles of all articles so far. This shows redirected titles in italics. It also includes titles as placeholders for planned articles. The names of these are preceded by a tilde (~) so that they appear at the end of the “All pages” table.